Today was a tough one. On Wednesday, the engine tipped over while I was cleaning it and today, after getting it up onto a proper engine stand, I found the power steering pump pulley was warped and the timing cover is cracked. I'm hoping I can use some kind of epoxy or resin to patch it all up, but it will have to bond to this plastic and handle the heat of a motor pushing a fat old Vanagon around the mountains.
Crack goes horizontally across most of the cover |
Crushed side and lost connector here. |
The power steering pump on my engine is fine, but the pulley is hosed. The problem with that is the pulleys suck to replace. So, you are better off just getting a whole new pump. Looks like this mistake is gonna cost me at least $70 (used P/S pump and epoxy/resin product) and unknown $$ of dollars and time to replace it that I hadn't figured on spending for this conversion.
UPDATE (January 20th, 2014):
Using epoxy worked fantastic. I cleaned it off first, took off the gasket around it, then spread the epoxy throughout. It is hard as a rock now and solid. I even found the broken piece, so the whole timing belt cover is now in tact and functional.